A mixture of witty “A-list material” and his ability to work off-script has earned Jim McCue the title “Boston’s King of Crowd Work!” It’s not only his height of six foot six that makes Jim stand head and shoulders above club comedians of the “stick-to-the-script” variety. Jim blends thought-provoking material and uncanny improv skills with a style that encourages audience participation.
Jim has been featured on Comedy Central, Comcast Comedy Spotlight, NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” RedEye on Fox news & Live at Gotham AXS TV. He went viral last year with his DryBar special “nothing personal” which has had over 3 million views. Jim also founded and currently runs The Boston Comedy Festival. We all need a good laugh these days so join the Brew Haha! Line up subject to change. Tickets just $15 in advance $20 at the door
Use this link for tickets:
Non-Essential Comedy @ Brewery 44 Tickets, Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite